[WORLD NEWS] JALにて荷物軽減のための新サービスを開始

[WORLD NEWS] JAL launches new service to help customers reduce baggage

Japan Airlines (JAL) has started a trial of a clothing rental service called "Any Wear, Anywhere" as a service to reduce luggage.

PLASTIC FREE JULY 2023 : 持参 - 借りる - ステイする

PLASTIC FREE JULY 2023 : Bring - Borrow - Stay

Choose to Up Cup! Bring - Borrow - Stay

[WORLD NEWS] イギリス:地球に優しいリフィルできるコカコーラボトル

[WORLD NEWS] England : Eco friendly refillable Coca Cola bottles

Trial for delivery and collection of refillable Coke Zero Sugar bottles starts in England!

PLASTIC FREE JULY 2023 : 使い捨てをやめよう!

PLASTIC FREE JULY 2023 : Stop single use!

Let's take the challenge. Stop single use!



Plastic particles that flow out of households

Most of the clothing you wear every day contains some percentage of synthetic fibers. We will talk about microplastic particles flowing out of our households and what we can do about it.

[WORLD NEWS] CO2削減のために短距離フライトを禁止

[WORLD NEWS] Short-haul flights banned to cut CO2

France bans short-haul domestic flights to cut carbon emissions.  

[WORLD NEWS] 洗濯の頻度はどれくらいがいいのでしょうか?

[WORLD NEWS] How often should you wash your clothes?

How often should you wash your clothes?The answer really depends on personal aspects such as sweat level and lifestyle. Here are some simple ways to make your laundry routine more eco-friendly.

[WORKSHOP REPORT] アンティーク着物アップサイクルワークショップ VOL.1


We had an antique kimono upcycle workshop on May 17th. For the first workshop, we made a kimono patchwork cushion.

[WORLD NEWS] 2ユーロのTシャツ買いますか?

[WORLD NEWS] Would you buy a 2 euros t-shirt?

Would you buy a 2 euros t-shirt?


[WORLD NEWS] プラスチック鉢のリサイクルシステム

[WORLD NEWS] Plastic pots recycling scheme

Plantagen is a store operated throughout the Nordic region where customers can fill their homes and gardens with plants, furniture and tools. To protect the environment, Plantagen encourages customers to return their pots. In return, customers will receive a new plant!

映画のレコメンデーション : 短編アニメ - “Re-member / リ・メンバー”

MOVIE RECOMMENDATION : Animated short film - “Re-member”

RECOMMENDED MOVIE! Animated short film - “Re-member” (Produced by - Earth Co-cree! Project) This is a short animation that we highly recommend for everyone, from children to adults, to watch.

[WORLD NEWS] スタジアムで再利用可能なカップの使用を義務化

[WORLD NEWS] Reusable cups mandatory in stadiums

The new requirements from the Packaging Act have been in force since January 1, 2023 in Germany. They oblige companies such as restaurants, canteens, supermarkets or cafes that sell takeaway food and drinks to also offer their products in reusable packaging. Big changes are also taking place in German soccer stadiums!