Let's recycle! - Plastic Free July

Let's recycle! - Plastic Free July

What do you do with used pens and plastic toothbrushes? Even if you separate used items properly, most don’t get recycled, but little by little, collection and recycling technologies are increasing in Japan.

Plastic Free July 2024

Plastic Free July 2024

This month's pick up is Plastic Free July!

Plastic Free July is a campaign led by the Plastic Free Foundation. Their vision is a world without single-use plastics. Every year in July, millions of people around the world take up the single-use plastic-free challenge.

What alternatives are there?

PLASTIC FREE JULY 2023 :  (ほぼ)プラスチックフリーな生活

PLASTIC FREE JULY 2023 : Living (almost) plastic free

Striving to be living (almost) plastic free.

PLASTIC FREE JULY 2023 : 持参 - 借りる - ステイする

PLASTIC FREE JULY 2023 : Bring - Borrow - Stay

Choose to Up Cup! Bring - Borrow - Stay

PLASTIC FREE JULY 2023 : 使い捨てをやめよう!

PLASTIC FREE JULY 2023 : Stop single use!

Let's take the challenge. Stop single use!


プラスチック・フリー・ジュライ 2021 - Vol. 3

Plastic Free July 2021 - Vol. 3

For this year’s Plastic Free July month, we have been sharing our challenges with you. Although the one month challenge is over, we are definitely all going to continue. How did we do the last 2 weeks and how was the entire month?

プラスチック・フリー・ジュライ 2021 - Vol. 2

Plastic Free July Challenge 2021 - Vol. 2

The first two weeks is Challenge #1; how did we do? There were some epic fails here and there but no one can be 100% perfect from the beginning right?  Live and learn! And what did we decide to do for Challenge #2?

プラスチック・フリー・ジュライ チャレンジ 2021

Plastic Free July Challenge 2021!


We have been consciously adopting a plastic-free life every day, but for this year's Plastic Free July month, we've decided to share our challenges with you; we hope this can inspire more to take the challenge!

Plastic-free July - Take the Challenge!

Plastic-free July - Take the Challenge!

Every year in July, more than 120 million people around the world takes the Plastic Free July challenge. Why not give it a try? Pick the challenge and duration that fits your lifestyle and try it out! Do what you can, together we can make a difference and be a part of the solution.