Every July, millions of people around the world take on the challenge of not using disposable plastics through the Plastic Free July campaign.

If you haven't started the challenge yet, why not start now?

The Ocean Conservancy (which has mobilized over twelve million people on global beach cleans!)found that 7 out of the top 10 finds found on the beach were plastic. Here’s the top 10:

1) cigarette butts
2) plastic drinks bottles
3) food wrappers (including sweet wrappers)
4) plastic bottle caps
5) straws and stirrers
6) plastic bags
7) glass bottles
8) plastic grocery bags
9) mettle bottle caps
10) plastic lids

Some things you can start today:
- Avoid single-use plastic packaging
- Target takeaway items (the Top 4: bags, bottles, straws and coffee cups)
- Go completely plastic-free (it's a good month to start!

Let's take the challenge!