A one-year project to enjoy the process of making clothes.

What is “Fuku no Tane” project?

This project is about growing and making your own seeds for clothes; in this case, organic cotton - which is one of the raw materials for making clothes. This project is about learning the manufacturing and the production background from raw materials to clothes through the entire process. This time, the final product will be "canvas sneakers."

This is the last blog about this project.

Here is the final can report of the harvested cotton balls!

Previous blogs:

Plant Seeds, Make Clothes Vol. 1



Let's take a look at what has happened in chronological orders first...


Day 0 Prep > Soak the seeds with water the day before planting.



Day 1 5/21 > Planting - 10 seeds were planted.



Day 14 6/14 > 1 of the 10 seeds sprouted!


Day 38 6/28 > A month later, there are up to 5 seeds that sprouted.



Day 50 7/9 > Out of the 5, only 3 were strong enough to be planted.



Day 101 8/2 > 7 weeks after planting.  All three are growing!



Day 106 9/3 > Found two flowers!


Day 127 9/24 > The first cotton balls!



Day 177 11/19 > 2 months after seeing many cotton balls...  Finally there's one that looks like it's about to burst!



Day 190 12/2 > Started harvesting



Day 247 1/28 > There were two more cotton balls that look like they are about to burst and it did! In the end we were able to harvest 8 cotton balls.


There were 2 more cotton balls but unfortunately those did not burst properly.

The ones that were able to harvest will be sent and gathered and it will become canvas sneakers.


We will share what the canvas sneakers look like when we receive them, which is probably later in the year.  However, we hope to continue to share about this project as we will definitely take part in this again!  This time, only 3 out of the 10 seeds were able to get planted and grow.  Next time, we're hoping to have at least 5 seeds planted!

Just to reiterate, this project was about growing and making your own raw materials for clothes; in this case, organic cottons. This project was about learning the manufacturing and the production background from raw materials to clothes through the entire process.  One thing is for sure, after experiencing this project, it's hard to believe some of the price of the so-called clothes that uses "organic cottons" that are being sold. It takes a lot of time and effort, and A LOT of seeds which makes you wonder...  Isn't someone within the supply chain being exploited??

This was a very eye opening project... it's really important to know the process of the products that you casually use.