Today we wanted to talk about the "1.2 mile community compost" project that Borderless Creations is a part of as the first year member.

Here's the previous 2 blogs about it.


The activities of the first year members, which started in August 2020, have only one month left.

At first, most of us were only worried about the where to take the compost made at home, but the thoughts and energy of the members with various experiences became a great asset, and now we are growing vegetables in the facility as a part of this project and some have been harvested.

At this stage, I think it's a little too early to look back on the past six months, but I think the factor that led to such great progress in this short period is the sharing of thoughts. It can be said that we were able to make a lot of meaningful time by meeting face-to-face and communicating our thoughts and having discussions online.

What is the further direction after graduating from the community?

* Continue to participate in the community?

* Create activities to expand community compost?

* Expansion of vegetable production through compost?

There seems to be options such like these. I would like to think a little about the future.

Friends who can enjoy talking about food circulation, coexistence with nature, etc. while stirring fluffy compost in a large wooden frame. Talking about the environment tends to be serious, but here we are talking about microorganisms and fungi! Occasionally, you may go to a nearby farm and learn how to make compost from scratch. Of course, there are only people who are interested in not only compost but also environmental problems that are occurring around us and wants to start from what they can do.

We also recommend joining this community! This community really provides an opportunity to learn about the essence of sustainability.  They are now currently recruiting second year members.  Please take this opportunity to apply! For more information, click this link.

And in January of next year, we will hold an event at COMMUNE Omotesando that all the first year members will create!

Details will be announced on Instagram at a later date, so please look forward to it!