[Easy to make! How to make vegan coconut yogurt at home.]

Hello, this is rie, Borderless Creations' Ambassador!

Today, I would like to introduce vegan coconut yogurt that I make at home.

First, what is vegan? Vegan means not eating animal products, including meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products.  Animal agriculture creates vast amounts of harmful greenhouse gases and it depletes precious resources – land, water and energy. It is also a major contributor towards climate change since the deforestation due to agricultural land development and methane gas emitted by cattle are considered to be the causes of greenhouse gases.

With this fact in mind, I am incorporating vegan diet as much as I can. For example, I use soy milk and oat milk instead of milk, and also selected plant based derived products for yogurt and cheese.

In particular, I eat yogurt every day, so I want to reduce plastic waste as much as possible too, so I make them myself and keep them in a jar.

The only ingredients you need are coconut milk and kefir. (What Is Kefir? It is one of the richest probiotic drinks; it is a fermented milk drink that has a sour, tart taste) I also try to use organic products. Don't have a yogurt maker machine at home?  No problem!  It's easy to make!

Here's the recipe:

1. Disinfect utensils and jars by bringing water to the boil to disinfect (about 5~10 minutes)

* The yogurt will not harden unless you use a clean jar.


2. Put the coconut milk to the jar and add kefir. Mix until it is smooth (no  lump)

3. Cover the jar and leave in room temperature (25 degrees or higher) for one day.

* One and a half to two days in winter

To cover the jar, I usually use the beeswax wrap from abeego which I introduced in my previous blog.

Beeswax wrap is "breathable" compared to plastic wraps and thefore ideal for fermentation!

4. When it becomes thicker, put it in the freezer for a while.

And voila, the yogurt is ready!

Coconut yogurt is slightly sweet, so you can eat it deliciously without adding sweeteners!

I have also started to replace one meal with vegan menu so that it doesn't get too stressful and is hassle-free. Since I started to eat more vegan food, my body has become lighter and I feel that I feel much better!

Try it out!

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