Japan Airlines Corporation (JAL) will begin collecting used cooking oil from households at all Peacock Stores!

How will the collected oil be used?

The collected oil will be used in the “FRY to FLY” project for the production of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) from household used cooking oil - the household used cooking oil is collected and reused to produce SAF.

[Collection Flow]
*Accumulate - Households collect used cooking oi.
*Collection - Pour into collection boxes installed at stores
* Gather - Collection operators will collect used oils
* Production - Converted to aviation fuel at the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production plant
* Utilization - Finished fuel is used to fuel aircrafts

Used cooking oils collected at Peacock Stores is scheduled to be commercially available in 2025, so the next time you fly, the aircraft may be using the FRY to FLY oils!
