
There are over 20 brands that Borderless Creations are sourcing from.  We’ve introduced the brands and their products but who are the people behind the brands?  What are their thoughts?

We asked the same 10 questions to all the brands so that you can get a better understanding of the brands and their stories.

Today we interviewed Ms. Wei (Taffi) Chang, the Founder of ÄIÄI ILLUM LAB. 


Q1) What triggered you to tackle ethical and sustainable issues? 

A1) As a yoga practitioner I’m always trying to align myself to the ethical practices of the yoga principles, which is called yama. “Yama” is the first five guidelines of yoga,  a Sanskrit word that translates to "restraints"—and encompass nonviolence, truthfulness, not stealing, non excess, and non possessiveness.

My core values are centered around the yoga principles, which means  I can be triggered by a tiny subtle thought or a colossal event and to make the change that is necessary to attain peace and sustainability. 


Q2) What has changed from when the brand started and now?

A2) It was like planting a seed without any expectation at first, over the years, Äi Äi  had grown from just a small home candle project to a light/ scent/ olfactory art curator.

We have become more communicative to our audience  via exhibitions and various collaborations with like-minded creators, what has not changed is our way of bringing light to people, literally and metaphorically.


Q3) What was the hardest part of developing your brand? On the contrary, what was the best thing about continuing the brand?

A3) The hardest thing is to work with people.
The best thing that kept me continuing with the brand is also to work with people.


Q4) Tell us about someone that you know who are working on being sustainable. What kind of activity/initiative is this person doing?

A4) I used to work and live in a spiritual/ sustainable community in California in 2007 for several months. The community is called Mount Madonna Center, where they are hosting several yoga-theme related workshops and retreats throughout the years as well accommodating outside retreats and programs. During those months, I  was learning to apply the yoga principles into everyday living and working. 

It has definitely deepened my yoga practices by living in it, and to come to the conclusion that yoga living is sustainable living.  

Ways that MMC engages in sustainable practices are:

  • Reduce Water Use: The majority of laundry is done offsite. Residents and guests are all asked to launder clothes offsite to save precious water resources. Guests BYOT "Bring your own towel" to significantly cut down on on-site water usage.
  • Conserve Energy:  conserve energy by utilizing timers on  building lights and select energy efficient light bulbs.
  • Use Non-Toxic Cleaners: The Housekeeping Staff use Non-Toxic products like Bon Ami, Seventh Generation All Purpose Cleaner and Glass Cleaner, and Vinegar to clean.
  • Reduce Waste: Meal counts are carefully taken so that excess food is not cooked. Vegetables from the garden are used in the kitchen whenever available. Additionally,  compost is conducted at MMC. With composting, food scraps and floral remnants from our flower department do not go to waste.
  • Recycle: MMC recycling crew ensures that glass, cans, plastic containers, and other recyclables are properly recycled.
  • Hire Local Vendors: Whenever possible we use local companies to supply food and products needed at the Center. Hired staff,  Housekeeping staff, are all local community members.

Q5) What is your favorite quote? And why do you like it?

A5) This was from my spiritual teacher, Baba Hari Dass,

Work honestly, meditate everyday, meet people without fear and play.


Q6) Tell us about any books or movies that have had a great influence in your life!

A6) Books:

The Power of Now by Ekart Tolle

The Book of Tibetan Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche

Silent Speaks by Baba Hari Dass

The Tree of Yoga by B.K.S Iyenger

The Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman

The Twelve Senses by Albert Soesman


Pulp Fictions directed by QT

π by Darren Aronofsky

Pi by Ang Lee

Talk to Her ( Hable con ella) Pedro Almodóvar




Q7) If you can eat ANYTHING now, what would it be?

A7) Mangosteen


Q8) If you can go ANYWHERE now, where would you like to go?

A8) Here


Q9) Any other country or city you want to live?

A9) No


Q10) What are you most mindful of when you think of your lifestyle?

A10) Observe to every thought I could. 



ÄIÄI ILLUM LAB. was founded in 2014 and is dedicated to create light and scents that naturally nourish the senses. For their candles, they use natural wax as the basis of the flame and pure natural essential oils for the scents. In addition to that, the candles are produce with "a dash of our heart that is inspired by art, journey, nature and the light of the humanity." 

[Brand Site]


Find ÄIÄI ILLUM LAB. products on Borderless Creations


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