Kiss the Ground Film Trailer (2020)
Narrated and featuring Woody Harrelson, Kiss the Ground is an inspiring and groundbreaking film that reveals the first viable solution to our climate crisis.
There were so much bad and negative news in the world in 2020. We’ve said goodbye to 2020 and started a whole new year but 2021 isn’t looking too bright either. However, this documentary was definitely something that made me feel more positive. Not using earths underground resources (ie: plastic)、or advocating for a more circular economy (reuse, upcycle, zerowaste) etc are all important aspect to fight climate crisis but it is mostly about stopping the “degeneration”. At the same time, “regeneration” is important and the documentary shows that by regenerating the world’s soils, we can completely and rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems and create abundant food supplies.
Some of the words that stuck with me after watching the film was “regeneration economy” and “restoration”. It’s true that even if we try to stop the degeneration of the planet, without regeneration, there will be no true degeneration. I’ve decided that I’m going to spend more time in 2021 to learn about regeneration.
A quote from the documentary:
“We’re all in this together. What decision are you going to make so that your impact can help the future generations?”