This is a short animation created by “earth co-cree!” that we highly recommend for everyone, from children to adults, to watch.
The underlying concept is
From "human-centered" to "earth-centered”.
And it’s about remembering a time when humans too were a part of nature and the earth.
In 8 short minutes, the film asks the question of how we can create a society in which humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the earth are all in harmony and co-create with each other, as members of the earth, not just part of it.
Excerpts from the animator (earth co-cree!):
“We need to fundamentally change the way we see the world. Yes, we have caused serious damage to the earth, but it also means we humans have the immense power of imagination and creativity, which could be used to make a positive difference in the world if we change how we see the world. That is a beacon of hope."
I think that this is so true and made me realize again that there is something each one of us can do as member of earth and not just a part of it.
The above it the trailer (in Japanese); if you would like to see the whole 8 minutes with English subtitle click here:
Animation with English subtitle:
For more information, visit their site here: