
There are over 20 brands that Borderless Creations are sourcing from.  We’ve introduced the brands and their products but who are the people behind the brands?  What are their thoughts?

We asked the same 10 questions to all the brands so that you can get a better understanding of the brands and their stories.

Today we interviewed Mr. Ermanno Zannela, the founder of UPTITUDE from Italy.



Q1) What triggered you to tackle ethical and sustainable issues? 

A1) The fact that it is something necessary, and the fact the business and being sustainable can coexist.


Q2) What has changed from when the brand started and now?

A2) So many things... how many hours do you have ;)


Q3) What was the hardest part of developing your brand? On the contrary, what was the best thing about continuing the brand?

A3) To keep it simple, the hardest part for me is the finance, fashion is an expensive world to play within. The best thing to continue is the relationship with our customer base.


Q4) Tell us about someone that you know who are working on being sustainable. What kind of activity/initiative is this person doing?

A4) Ms. Chiara di Cillo, I suggest you to watch her website: 


** Ms. Chiara di Cillo is an independent photographer, editor, graphic designer and maker.  She created her own brand, portatelovunque in 2015 where she designs and creates products that are completely handcrafted and used recycled materials


Q5) What is your favorite quote? And why do you like it?

A5) Albert Einstein quote: “If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.”  


Q6) Tell us about any books or movies that have had a great influence in your life!

A6) Book: "How to Have Creative Ideas: 62 Exercises to Develop the Mind" - By Edward de Bono


Q7) If you can eat ANYTHING now, what would it be?

A7) A recipe that my grandmother always cooked when I was child: Ris e Tochi. But not the original recipe, my grandma's recipe.


Q8) If you can go ANYWHERE now, where would you like to go?

A8) Covid-19 aside, I'll love to go to Brazil, 2 months travel.


Q9) Any other country or city you want to live?

A9) Vienna at the moment


Q10) What are you most mindful of when you think of your lifestyle?

A10) Am I mindful? Guess not ;)



Everything started in 2013. Ermanno Zanella (1988 from Malè, Trentino) decided to craft a pair of wooden glasses with a DIY CNC milling machine. Luckily at the time in his basement, there were no wood but only abandoned snowboards. The idea of a broken snowboard transformed into a pair of sunglasses was cool enough to become his Bachelor thesis in Design at the University of Bolzano. After his degree the prototyping goes on and is moved to Austria, Zillertal in the Aesmo’s workshop (Snowboard producer) which turns out to be the perfect place to prototype something obtained from a snowboard and acquire the know-how about materials and cut technique.

Uptitude mission is to provide to his customers, unique high-quality sunglasses at an affordable price.

[Brand Site]


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