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We’ve introduced the brands and their products but who are the people behind the brands?  What are their thoughts? We asked the same 10 questions to all the brands so that you can get a better understanding of the brands and their stories.

Today we interviewed Rerum Nature Japan; which have created the 618 Scallop Powder which has become one of the best seller and we use it everyday in our household as well! How did they get started? 


Q1) What triggered you to tackle ethical and sustainable issues?

A1) It started from my own skin trouble (atopy). The reason I was introduced to scallop powder was also because of atopy. Once I changed all the detergents and bath salts to scallop powder and improved my diet to a more plant-based diet which is less burdensome to my body, my lifestyle became much more healthy and a more sustainable lifestyle which was kind to the planet. 



Q2) What has changed from when the brand started and now?

A2) Many people have become interested in scallop powder. And the  words Sustainable / Ethical / SDGs have become more common now.



Q3) What was the hardest part of developing your brand? On the contrary, what was the best thing about continuing the brand?

A3) Hardest → Difficult to resolve the negative misunderstanding about scallop powder.

Best thing → Many people have said, "I can't live without 618 scallop powder!". I'm glad that I've continued to explain and educate about it and I would like to continue to to do so.



Q4) Tell us about someone that you know who are working on being sustainable. What kind of activity/initiative is this person doing?

A4) My grandmother.  Composting, not wasting food, taking good care of products and use them for a long time.  These are all said to be "sustainable" and "good for the planet" now but these were just normal life for her.


Q5) What is your favorite quote?

A5) "Simple is best!!"  Because everything really is!!! It's always my thoughts that make things complicated.


Q6)Tell us about any books or movies that have had a great influence in your life!

A6) RENT - Not exactly the movie itself but the song, "Seasons of love".

"How about measuring a year with love?" I remember this lyrics at different moments and I think that perhaps, sustainable and ethical is simply put, about "love".  Every time I have to make a decision on choosing something, I try to "measure in love" lol



Q7) If you can eat ANYTHING now, what would it be?

A7) Yuzu soba noodles from Ishishoan in Tanzawa, Japan. The soba noodles made from Tanzawa's famous water and the soba noodles grown in that water are exquisite. The soba noodles are seasonal too.


Q8) If you can go ANYWHERE now, where would you like to go?

A8) Republic of Malta. I want to go to Europe.



Q9)Any other country or city you want to live?

A9) New Zealand. I want to experience what it feels like to live in a country where organic is common and the norm.




Q10) What are you most mindful of when you think of your lifestyle?

A10) To be honest with the feeling of "dislike". Select "comfort" as much as possible in all aspects; work, relationships, food, and clothing.



[About rerum nature japan]

Tohoku region is famous of producing scallops. The shells that remain after harvesting scallops are piled up along the coastline as industrial waste. The remaining contents decay giving off bad smell, and pests and birds gather. However, processing these shells is quite expensive. For this reason, the current disposal method is to dump more than 150,000 tons of shells annually into the sea. The total amount is increasing year by year, and is becoming a social problem.

618 Scallop Powder was created to contribute to three of the 17 goals of the SDGs: "Responsible Consumption and Production", "Life Below Water" and “Life on Land".

The use of this product indirectly leads to the prevention of environmental degradation and contributes to improving the environment by protecting the beautiful earth. In addition, using 100% natural ingredients without relying on chemicals will not adversely affect humans and animals and lead to the creation of a healthy environment where you can live with peace of mind.

[Brand Site]


Find rerum nature japan products on Borderless Creations: 


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