Today, on July 26, 2022, we were able to celebrate the start of our 4th year since the company was founded.

We would like thank all of you who have supported us through out the years.

The words “ethical” and “sustainable” have (for better or worse) become a part of a trend in Japan. While it is easier to purchase sustainable products, sometimes it's hard to figure out what is "right" and "correct".

Before starting our company, we were working in the fashion industry for decades. At that time, we didn't think much and kept living in a convenient yet wasteful world. As we gradually learned more about the environmental burden caused by consumptions, we began to think more about the future of our children.

What can we do? We first decided to review our own lifestyle and made these changes at home:
* Switching to renewable energy
* Composting

Both of these have great impact on the environment. There are actions you can take in any household (city center, rural areas, apartments, houses, no garden, etc). What is important is to try and gradually increase what you can do. 

We will continue to share what we’ve tried and practiced as well as introduce ethical and sustainable alternatives from all over the world so stay tuned!

Be informed. Get inspired. Be the change!
Let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Tagged: Store News